Dhamma Practice
Dried sandal wood is still fragrant, squeezed sugar cane is still sweet, refined salt is still salty, but a wise man, even in crisis, still practices Dhamma
The Nature of the Mind
What we mean by the ‘mind’ in not the brain, but something more similar to the ‘spirit’ which exists inside our body. In this book we use the word ‘mind’ to mean this nuomenon.
How to Manage Family Life #5
We do not search for these and do not wish to encounter them. Even when they have not arrived, we are afraid that they will soon arrive
How to Manage Family Life #4
Body like a doormat means dedication all of one’s energy and dedicating one’s life to performing good deeds with virtuous actions
Meditation Testimonials from Kalayanamitras in Congo
Meditation Testimonials from Kalayanamitras in Congo. Let's see what they say and you will know that race is not the obstacle for your true happiness. Rejoice in your merit!!
Mother Still Cares
Not knowing the truth of life is extremely dangerous and because of this she made many errors before she got to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The DMC channel made us aware of the truth of life. This is fundamental because to lead a wrong life is more painful than not being alive.
Meditation Testimonials Tehran Iran
Closing my eyes gently and relaxingly, I can feel the moon within because I remember pleasantly walking under the moonlight. As I visualise the image of the moon in my stomach,
Restraining the Mind
This is the story of a man who never had attaching his feeling to his mother who punished him severely only because she lost only little amount of money. She blamed him for that though he tried all the best to give her any explanation. What caused this bad mother-son relationship? The answer will be revealed here.
How to Control Your Mind
Knowing the mind by trying to focus on only one thought at a time seems like an easy task. But when you attempt to do this, you find that you cannot accomplish this goal immediately.
A Meditation Guide
Start by sitting in a relaxed half-lotus position by placing your right leg on your left leg, your right hand on your left hand